Maimed Myclean® HB Hand Disinfection 500ml

SMaimed Myclean® HB Hand Disinfection 500ml

★ Alcohol-based ethanol-based hand sanitizer

★ Moisturizing

★ VAH-listed

★ Without dyes and perfumes

★ Suitable for the food sector

★ 100 pieces per box

★ Virucidal efficacy

★ Dermatest: very good

The MaiMed MyClean HB is a ready-to-use hand disinfectant. The disinfectant is comprehensively effective and suitable for both hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. In addition, the MaiMed MyClean HB is very well tolerated by the skin and has moisturizing properties. This protects the skin even with frequent use and puts little strain on it. The MyClean HB completely dispenses with the use of dyes and perfumes, containing 100.73 g of ethanol in 5 g. The usability is 3 years or 12 months after opening.

BAuA no.: N-56389 Use biocidal products carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.

Spectrum of Action Exposure Times
Hygienic hand disinfection 30 sec
Surgical hand disinfection 1.5 min
Bactericide 30 sec
Yeasticide 30 sec
Noro & Rota viruses (EN 14476) 15 sec
Adeno and SV 40 viruses 1 min


Ready-to-use solution for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. Rub the slopes, if necessary forearms with the undiluted preparation. Hands or forearms must be kept moist during the entire application. The standard rub-in methods for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection must be observed.Heavily soiled hands should be cleaned with soap and water before disinfection. Allow wet hands to dry before disinfection.